East of Greenville UGB Expansion

December 7, 2023

There is a disturbing attempt underway to expand Livermore’s Urban Growth Boundary east of Greenville Road. Inspired by Topcon Positioning Systems, a Japanese multinational corporation with a speculative land investment (and enabled by a compliant City staff and elected officials), this environmentally unwise activity will find its way to a ballot box near you.

Livermore Topcon positioning systems speculative parcels. Click to reveal zoomable map.

Click map image to reveal full size map.

Planning Commission meeting, EIR public input

Item 5.1, East of Greenville Rd. program EIR to expand urban growth boundary.

This hearing was only to receive public comments on the Notice of Preparation of the Environmental Impact Report for the East of Greenville Project (POLI23-003). The area is located east of Livermore’s city limits in unincorporated Alameda County. We firmly believe the Livermore City Council will place a measure on a ballot to ask voters whether Livermore should break its easterly urban growth boundary (UGB).

We recorded the event and posted it to our youtube channel.


Livermore General Plan Advisory Committee

We recorded the meeting and posted it on our youtube channel.


Livermore General Plan Advisory Committee

We recorded the meeting and posted it on our youtube channel.