Garaventa Hill Development Attempt of 2023

November 1, 2023

The uphill climb to develop Garaventa Hill with residential housing is getting steeper. The original version began in 2011 and ended in 2022 with the historic court losses. The 2023 version is now upon us, and faces intensified opposition with compounding environmental obstacles. This page will be expanded chronologically as events unfold.

Th City has created a website dedicated to the project.

Garaventa Hill Town Hall Meeting at Altamont Creek School

The City of Livermore held its first public meeting on November 1 to communicate the typical steps associated with processing a new development proposal. It was attended by about 50 people, roughly 10-to-1 against the idea of urbanizing the Hill. CBG recorded the event and posted it on our Youtube channel. The full transcript is preserved on this post.


Video of Planning Commission meeting to receive comments on the RP draft EIR


City council meeting video and agenda item 6.2

Popular Documents

2011-10-4 Lamphier-Gregory environmental consultant contract
2011-11-16 Notice of Preparation
2023-10-24 Lamphier-Gregory environmental consultant contract extension

Environmental Impact Reports
These are a bit clumsy to read, as the evolving changes don’t culminate in a single report. You have to do a lot of cross referencing between them in order to get a good understanding of the whole.

2012-11-xx DEIR without appendices
2012-11-xx DEIR with appendices
2014-06-xx Final DEIR
2018-08-xx Reissued Final DEIR
2024-07-xx RP Draft EIR
2024-11-25 City Council agenda item 6.2